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this is a rly cool game, great concept, well designed puzzles, great animation and really engaging writing. all the characters are really charming and the systems are really fun to figure out.  i do have one suggestion about the dialog system.

so im a trans woman, my first try in the opening i picked "its complicated" and while most of the pronouns were they/them i did get he'd a couple times. (i specifically remember heracross saying it but it mightve happened other places).

i decided to try picking "im a girl" on another save and instead of saying "genitals" grovyle said "vagina" which is a thing i dont have so kinda turned me off. 

it would be real cool to have the pronouns for the player and the genitals the player is assumed to have be decoupled from eachother. itd aslo be cool have those both be a setting in the options menu or something. i like the opening conversation but its pretty ambiguous what all it changes and having to start a new save to mess with it is demotivating. and in my specific situation, unless im missing something, theres not an option there that would make me feel the most comfortable (she/her pronouns and using "genitals" to refer to my genitals)

its a really cool game, its engaging and sexy and challenging and cute and funny and charming and i really enjoy it!  thank you so much for all the work you put in and for sharing it publicly like you have. i hope my grievance doesnt come off as hate, i really like the game and even if the change i suggested is too much work to implement or you simply arent interested in making that kind of change ill still recommend it to my friends cus i think its real cool. 

Thank you, i totally agree with the sentiment of inclusion and respecting the pronoun and genital preferences of all players! But unfortunately in the present day, video games are written by people in machine code, and considerations like these require more people, smarter people, and more complicated code. I promise i did try really hard!!

The game is open-source if you happen to remember some of the specific places where you got "he'd", or if you want to expand the game to include separate preferences for genitals/gender, expand the dialog choices, or even offer alternate more complex pronouns, or let the Pokemon themselves be non-binary. The possibilities are only limited by your free time, patience and technical expertise!

If you want to fix those dialogue typos, here are the two classes which include about 99% of Heracross's dialogue in the entire game (except for the places where they show up during other pokemon's puzzles.) If you remember the exact thing they said, you can just CTRL+F it and find it really quickly!

For example line 927 here, Heracross talks about abra and says "...if he..." and then line 950 includes the alternate female dialogue "...if she...". Maybe there are some mistakes or oversights! It's also possible you misread the dialogue, and they were talking about a male Pokemon in the game, but you thought they were talking about you instead. I'm not sure! Let me know if you find anything I should fix.

I'm sorry for your negative experiences with my game! Let me know if there's anything concrete I can do to remedy them.


thank you for the kind response, i personally have no coding knowledge whatsoever, but its really cool that these things are possible, thank you!


Did it! (2 hour long painful braingasm)

holy crap, congratulations!!

uhh i downloaded the game and used my save from my browser and it the games colours were screwed or something, is this normal

whoa that's crazy! it looks kind of cool though... i wonder what's happening? all the colors are present but they're just shifted 180 degrees around the color wheel

(1 edit) (+1)

it happening across the entire game, could it because im using bluestacks on a mac, but other games ive played on bluestacks dont have that issue :p, js kinda curious

Yeah no clue, let me know if you figure anything out! That's crazy


whenever i try to load the game from the browser the game just freezes once I tap anywhere. I am playing on iPhone so maybe that’s why but the game loads just fine. Usually I’m not able to open the game at all

Oh, I'm sorry! It's a pretty resource intensive game, so I'm not sure if there's much I can do to improve that. The game is open source if you or anybody else have any ideas for how to improve the performance or prevent the freezing.


Holy shit, you can play it on Android now !? This amazing ! Thank you so Argonvile !


You're welcome, say hello to all of my Pokemon friends! They've been waiting to see you again 😀

(3 edits) (+1)

Man, the addition of this game on Android was the best thing in the world! In fact, I managed to solve the problem! It was just a little problem with my phone, nothing big, sorry for bothering you. (nice game)

I don't understand what that means, "the game comes out of nowhere" -- does that mean like you're using Youtube and the game pops up or something like that?


is there a way for the glove to go completely inside in any way? Just asking for clarification, that way anyone with the same question doesn't have to ask as well

Some people have reported that kind of problem happening occasionally with Sandslash but I haven't seen it myself! You might see if you can reproduce it... If anybody, it seems like they'd be the type!


Made an account here just to say I absolutely adore this game. The characters are so interesting, especially Heracross my beloved I wanna kiss him <3 

It's SO fun, I'm Ace and Sex repulsed but still have fun playing because even the sex is a puzzle and it's fun to figure out solutions! Thanks so much for not only making but maintaining such an amazing game! 


Heracross is such a little sweetie! I love them too, they're so needy but they're always stuck running the shop. If you ever solve puzzles with them, and find the secret room in the shop after -- you should spend some time there and make their day 💜

I'm glad you find the sex parts of the game interesting, and I'll be curious if there's a specific character in the game that eventually resonates with you a little! I'm asexual myself and there may or may not be an asexual character in the game, it's left up to interpretation. But the game is very sex-positive and everyone in the game enjoys their time with you, so I hope you continue visiting with them to say hello 😀


I hope ter will be more Pokémon one day

Some people on the Discord have started working on new Pokemon, but it is such a big undertaking! Nobody has ever finished


Sadly it's a nice game but a few new Pokemon we're perfekt 


And I don't understand the Tier 2 and 3 puzzles😅

They're very difficult, Grovyle provides tutorials for the other kinds of puzzles if you click the "Tutorial" button on the main menu! There are different tutorials for every difficulty, and Grovyle walks you through some steps and tools which make them a lot easier.

They are still very difficult though, even with Grovyle's help! It is a difficult game. Don't be afraid to ask Abra for hints!


The girl already sent me to hell 😂😂😂😂.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Question can I fuck the girls? My hand is going to fall off.

I could also use my mouth or tongue to leave hickeys or even kissing.

Sorry, you have to make do with just the glove for now! Although if you save up money you can also buy sex toys such as dildos in the shop.


Sep but I feel bad for them for not being able to give them more affection.😢


Why are they game is lagging already finish with the green guy but i dont gei the coin and the scene

oh no, i'm sorry! i'm not sure, i haven't seen that before


for android build, it seems you need Android NDK r15c and a supported JDK, apparently 11, but you also have to fix the compilation of pcre using these changes because it won't compile otherwise

other than these I followed the same instructions on your gitgud page, just with `lime setup android` at the end of the installs, and you need to install the prereqs and assign the directories it asks for (Android SDK, Android NDK [from above], and Java JDK)

and I actually managed to get a compiled version on my phone from that


I successfully imported my save from html version too


it seems like the bugs I've found so far are: sweat and cum are black, I assume same problem as the windows builds had before the fixes? , the game is not centered on the screen, and has empty space on the right side with no bg in puzzles and the menu, but pegbugs can sit there, and the rank question box is offset from its button hitboxes

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but imported saves seem to default all pokemon to female, was it always like that?


I hope it's okay if I keep listing things here just in case anybody knows how to fix them: Magnezone's button panel has broken graphics (haxeflixel logo instead of button logo), and the red button crashes the game


I fixed the rank buttons, not sure what to do about the other problems though


how to use the toy when he always say cant


Sorry, not every pokemon can use every toy! But, every pokemon can use some toys, and every toy can be used by some pokemon. Try different combinations!


I was curious about something, how difficult would it be to port this to Android? Would it pretty much require an entire rewrite or is it possible to port one of the binary builds somehow?  The game really works perfectly on phone with the HTML build but if it were somehow possible to get a native build that would be great. I'm not saying you need to do it because I understand this project is pretty much done, but I'm curious how difficult it might be


it's written in something called "HaxeFlixel" which can cross compile to android, but the process for getting your computer set up to build to android is pretty hard! I spent a few days trying to get it working but couldn't do it. Maybe you can figure it out!


if I do end up trying to port this, do you have a list of things you usually test to make sure things are working?


There's no laws against pokemons Batman




I kinda have a problem. It isn't that serious though so I just want to know if there is a way to fix it. So i made an account in the game but i accidentally closed my tab. When i tried to log into the game again, the game took away half my progress which is like my items and probably my rank. If there is a way to solve this I would really like to know but if it isn't possible that's fine too.

Sorry, I don't know how to fix that kind of a problem! You can screenshot your password in the future, which will save most of your progress including your items and your rank. Otherwise it's sort of up to the browser what it saves and what it purges, and I can't really control it


Nah it's totally fine. The game is great btw

thanks a lot!!! 🌈

(1 edit) (+1)

I bought up all the mystery boxes. How am I supposed to live now? Now I won't be able to spend my money anywhere...

P.S. Lucario can now really cum from a huge dildo. Now I can buy boxes again, hooray!


holy smokes that's amazing! i still haven't bought that many yet... did you also find THE THING? (in one of the boxes?)


If you mean the Pikachu Shocker, then yes.


Wow congrats that's nuts, you must have opened so many boxes!!! Some people don't even think it exists ha ha~

(2 edits) (+2)

So, I'm addicted to this game, not even for the porn in it, just the characters and puzzle aspect have me so entranced with it, that when I do get to the more horny parts I kinda skip over them to see if I can get any more of that juicy lore. I downloaded the game four days ago, I've been grinding it and have made it to 33 hours played on it, I'm going for 100 hours to see if I have missed anything. I'm doing this to get a more concrete standing in this game then just one really good playthrough. But for now, I'll rank this game in four categories, Gameplay, Story (I know some games don't have a story, but this one does), Graphics (I don't necessarily care about this so I might grade this low, but just know its because some games have really good graphics and it would be a disservice  not to include it), And finally, the PORN (I know this isn't in most games, but this one has it so I include it). Understand this is just my opinion so if you disagree with me please explain why.

Gameplay: Really well balanced, the progression of puzzle difficultly was made so smooth and the choice of doing the tutorials give the player the freedom of choosing to learn the puzzles by trial and error, Abra's hints are actually good, the only major difficultly spike in the game is when you go from NOVICE to 3 PEG, but it doesn't take that long to understand and if your really confused by it, try the tutorial, it might help. The minigames are a completely different story, all three are very simple, good but simple, now I think the most complicated of the three is the peg balancing game because it requires quick math reflexes, tug-of-war is a simple concept but in this game it gives it a bit of a twist and the stair game I don't want to talk about it because I have a negative bias towards it that might be completely unwarranted. In total I give the gameplay a 9/10.

Story: I didn't pay much attention to the story until the end with Abra, I don't want to spoil the end too much, but my favorite character, Buizel, has some good character backstory and personality that makes the character so lovable, which makes sense cosidering that some of the pokemon are based on the creator of the game, ArgonVile (Hope you read this), experiences as well as their friends, too. I give it a 8.5/10

Graphics: This category does not treat this game well but I like to think the pixel art does this game well, makes it seem more simple, enticing, the same effect the game Terraria has on people that like pixel art. Although I like the stylistic choice of Pixel art but now and days most people care way to much about graphics, so its a good thing I don't care about them right now, my opinion so I give it 8/10

PORN: ArgonVile actually cooked on this one, you can choose which gender you want all the pokemon to be and not only that but It changes dialog and the animations to them. The time and effort ArgonVile put into just this one part of the game puts me in awe, even baffled to think about the amount of willpower needed to do such a feat. Now I'm not trying to belittle the other parts of the game, but drawing porn and then animating it then coding it to work then testing it to see if it works is a long process. Oh, before I forget to mention, the porn, sex part? Sure, imma call it that, is really smooth and well made, not to realistic but the reactions you get from the pokemon is well coded. this is an easy 10/10, makes sense for a well made porn game.

Ending statement: According to my scoring I give this game a 35.5/40 or in a percentile form, a 88%, I would say that would be above average. Now that I'm at an hour and twenty minutes of typing this, my final thoughts come down to, Me LiKe GaMe, VeRy FuN, and in all seriousness, Good job to ArgonVile for making a beautifully crafted game. :D

P.S. I'm using what the actual genders of the pokemon are, not whatever I prefer as it makes more sense.


Wow thanks for the detailed review! It's unusual for games to balance porn and gameplay, but I wanted both parts to be good so that players would feel rewarded for their gameplay and not just want to skip to the porn. But you're right, I've seen MUCH better looking graphics in porn game and some of the stuff people do is insane!! But I'm very happy with Monster Mind and I'm blown away you've played it for 33 hours.

If you're looking for extra things you haven't finished yet -- many people overlook giving Grimer one of their dildos to eat, and many people overlook calling Sandslash on the Heracross phone. And, some people overlook playing with Pokemon in Heracross's back room! All things are unnecessary to complete the game, but there's some funny dialog and special scenes if you do them.


If it makes it any better, I just hit 60 hours played and definitely will be recommending to others, thanks for responding though, the one thing you mentioned people overlooking is calling sandslash on the heracross phone? How do I do that? Also, I'm going to make and even longer and more detailed review about your game, I think I missed a few topics and other things I should have talked about that now playing the game through a second time helped me remembered. Also I would like to thank you for making this game, the one review I made on it alone re-sparked an academic journalism I had thought I had lost, specifically gaming journalism. But thanks for your opinion and helpful hints inside your game I'll definitely try to make anyone of my saves hit 100% at some point.

(1 edit) (+1)

> How do I do that?

Make sure you let Grimer eat one of your dildos at some point -- then, after buying all the items in the shop and Heracross should only have two things for sale, mystery boxes and the Heracross phone!

When you use the Heracross phone, you can call any Pokemon you want. Usually people will pick Lucario, but nothing stops you from calling Heracross or Sandslash even though they're already in the house! And if you call Sandslash or Heracross something funny happens.

> Also I would like to thank you for making this game, the one review I made on it alone re-sparked an academic journalism I had thought I had lost, specifically gaming journalism.

Wow that's cool, it's so funny how stuff like that gets lost sometimes! I'm glad I could help you out in some small way~


Aight this might sound weird but bear with me...

This has honestly some of the best character dialogue I've seen written in a while. Some of the pokemons' dialogue is so charming and genuine, that it feels like I'm talking to another living human being. I wouldn't be surprised if some real life inspiration went into this dialogue, because it just feels that real, oozing with personality and and understanding of real life scenarios (one conversation that comes to mind is Buizel's falling out with their friends from high-school and living in the mid-west when their LGBTQ+). Also, the banter between pokemon has genuinely made me laugh (the Charmelelon bit with Grimer and some of the Rhydon skits got me).

This game made me literally stop masturbating because the dialogue was so fucking goodHow the fuck do you pull something like that off?

10/10, came for the porn, stayed for the characters, and came from the porn (its so good).


Wowwwwww thank you! You're right, that's exactly what I was going for with the character dialogue -- I wanted them to feel like real people with real problems who are just your friends in this little video game. Not everything they say is very sexy (and some people have actually complained that their dialogue ruined the mood) but I think it helps flesh them out and make them feel like real people, and not just animated gifs that you click until they cum.

Ha ha Grimer's such a goofball, I'm not sure if they really belong in this game but I'm so glad I included them! I wanted to include a lot of moments which surprised people, where I put something in the game they'd never expect. I hope I did a few things like that for you~

Thanks so much for playing my game, I'm glad you enjoy it so much!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Magnezone keeps crashing my game
first it happened mid dialog and the second time happened mid red button smash

oh no, i'm sorry! if you haven't tried downloading the game for windows, it seems a lot more stable than the web version.


sorry for late reply internet was out but yeah I did

when it first happened I was using the site, but after the download it did it again but even though it crashed the game still saved the interaction like a I had hit a secret save and quit button.

Wow that's so strange! I wonder what would cause it, just for you and just with Magnezone. ...Maybe it has something to do with their lightning effect? I think they're also one of the larger characters, so it could be a memory thing...


Been playing in browser for about 12 hours total now, mostly in novice since even 3 Pegs give me brain damage at times. Managed to beat 4 Pegs twice but no way ill do 5 lmao. 

What is unfortunate for me is that the Version for Windows is not compatible with my PC as it is a 32 Bit System. 

Another thing that is going on, sometimes the game seems to softlock. Usually happens with sandslash/lucario, need to refresh page to play again. Only happens when NSFW is active. Tho in the backrooms i can still interact with sandslash. Lucario on the other hand gives my browser an 'oh no' error every time, seemingly unable to load. Dunno why, maybe a thing specific to my phone? Playing on an Galaxy S6 so it aint the newest model lul, is anyone else having issues with certain mons?  

Great Game by the way, wish i found this earlier. 

(1 edit)

I'm sorry about the soft locks! It probably has to do with some resources not getting cleaned up or something like that. I tracked down a ton of those errors but there's probably still one or two left. The HTML5 version is the most susceptible, i think the windows version is a little better at dealing with it

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, you can still play with most of the pokemon on the novice puzzles... sandslash is the best one anyways!! and they hate 4-peg puzzles as much as you ha ha~

(2 edits) (+2)

I swapped with abra after I got the “good” ending  first and it feels so wrong I feel really bad

Like Abra still doesn’t regret anything after the switch, and it feels like neither of us even tried to fight the change, and the way I blend into the group is so odd to me, definitely seems like the bad ending. Neither I nor Abra really learn anything in that ending, it’s really sad


I mean it sounds like you both got what you wanted! Maybe it's not a perfect ending but I swapped too and I like to imagine Abra is having fun in my human body, even if they're not quite as clever as they used to be. (Maybe that is why it is taking so long for me to code a second game! Ha ha~)


Could you try add in AI, if is it even possible just asking.

AI means many things, but the game already has AI during the minigames.

If you want an AI where you can talk to the characters organically, I've tried recreating them in website! It is kind of fun but it didn't do a great job copying their personalities -- and it doesn't understand the nuances of the game, so it often talks about weird Pokemon stuff like their trainers or how cramped it is in their pokeball.


I’m curious if any of the backstories of the pokemon were kinda inspired by your own life or are you just super creative? Cause it all seems really personal


They were inspired by my life and by the lives of my close friends! You're right, a lot of the stories are very personal and I think it's why the characters seem so real in some ways.


sooo what do you think of the new pal world game? Is it sparking any interest? Some creative juices?


i haven't played it yet but i'm always in favor of more innovation in the "lots of cute monsters" genre. i don't personally like investing in alpha games so i'll wait for the final release to see what people think!


I totally recommend it but it may be best to wait, it could definitely use some polish, you and your pals get stuck quite a bit and when you fight the bosses they can be dead weight, but the pals are so cute! Depreso is probably one of my favorites. I got it cause it was on Xbox game pass and it was worth it but you should probably wait if you use a different system, I hope you like it once you try it!

Sounds great, thanks for the tips!


Rhydon’s “better half” can talk? How did you come up with that? Probably the top ten plot twists in media


hahahaha!!! yes once in awhile rhydon goes a little insane. we love rhydon for it though they're just being playful~


I just saw a telephone in the assets under the buizel dildo folder; is that something I can find in a box? Can I use a damn telephone as a dildo?


probably not!! that would be a bad idea. you should only use the telephone as a telephone

(but try calling sandslash with the phone and they will be flattered and you will maybe get a surprise)

I only saw it in the assets so I didn’t know I could get one, I knew I could get heracross’s phone, but I can get a telephone? How??

you have to buy the entire store, (including one specific item that only triggers if you do something very weird with grimer,) and then the phone will show up!


I went into the assets and looked at the images then poke, why is there a folder titled “sexy” that just has three images of small faint circles called “fuzzy-circle-6 fuzzy-circle-9a and fuzzy-curcle-9b”? Care to explain yourself?


ha ha those are my sexy circles! what is there to explain~


everything. What did they even do in the game? And why are they in the poke folder??


they are combined with some shaders to render the cum!


my caveman brain can’t comprehend game design and assets and how they are all put together, but I still find it funny that the folder was just titled “sexy”


grovyle was my first ever pokemon (technically treecko but same thing) so good to see her again


grovyle is back. in monster mind form!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Does anybody know what "It's complicated" or "I hope your complicated" does for the game when you start a file?


The dialogue options change how the characters address you (he/him, she/her, they/them), and address each other. If you tell them "It's complicated" they will use they/them pronouns.

If you "hope Grovyle is complicated" then there's a silly dialogue sequence which follows. None of the dialogue in the game particularly punishes you for being silly, so try to enjoy the silliness 🙂


What's the glass orb things??


You can use those with Rhydon!

(1 edit)

beutifal game, terrific dialouge, sexy lucarios and perfectly puzzling, be carefull in the menu for saves, (im an idiot and im so so sorry!!) terrific game 5/5 10/10


Sorry, it sounds like something deleted your temporary files! I can tell you the location of them so you can back things up, or you can use a password. This isn't really the kind of problem I can fix


sad too see that it does work on IOS, just freezes as soon as you tap the screen.

oh no! maybe it would work in a different browser? i'm not sure! i don't have a computer to test it on




Works on phone its just a bit slow but still works great ~

Hey that's great to hear, thanks for letting me know! Have fun~


I think im too stupid for the 5 box ones, lots of trial and error takes like 10 min minimum to solve one for me


The 5 box ones are tough, stick to the 3s and 4s! You still get to see all the pokemon that way.




for some strange reason it’s not working for me I get to the title screen but the moment I tap it crashes I am on iOS

I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to help with that! I guess you might try a different browser?


seems too be more on the OS’s fault, tried different browsers and it just freezes.


this is one of the few games that has made me laugh, cry, and cum (albeit not simultaneously) - incredible writing and gameplay! 100% my favorite porn game


holy smokes, that's crazy -- i'm glad you enjoyed the game so much! a lot of dialog goes kind of off the rails in both directions, but my general attitude when making the game was for the characters to roll with it, even when the player's being a total troll. the result is pretty funny sometimes

I wonder what games have made ME laugh cry and cum? ...Battletoads maybe? No, no, just two out of three...

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