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(1 edit) (+3)

i liked the lucario character hes so cute


yeah! i like his deep growwwwl~

(1 edit) (+1)

same here

(1 edit) (+1)

you’ve forced me to get all these Pokémon and make them into 2 teams so I’m gonna figure out which game buizel lucario and smeargle are all in, and trade them all over to omega Ruby somehow, even though abra only knows teleport, I’m gonna put her in both teams, since she’s, you know, the leader


That's so difficult! Wow! I have a lot of pokemon on my 3DS which I think are trapped there forever because of Nintendo's Pokemon Bank thing. I don't know how you'd go about catching some of those!

(1 edit) (+1)

In omega Ruby, grimer is in Mt. chimney I’m pretty sure, heracross in the safari in the northwest grass, you need an Acro bike to get back there, abra can be found in granite cave, grovyle has to be your starter of course, Rhydon can also be found in safari, kekleon can be found around the tree fort area on route 121, magnetite can be found somewhere around route 110 and will eventually evolve into magnezone, sandslash can be found in the desert storm area around route 111, and I’ll just figure out how to get lucario buizel and smeargle in Pokémon x and then trade it to my friend and then back to me on omega Ruby, quick balls are probably the easiest way to catch them all but i want them all in regular poke balls so that’s how I’m gonna do it, to get the exact genders I want I might just breed them with dittos if you wanted to do something similar or just know the process I hope this was helpful or at least interesting

Edit: it’s actually much easier to find a magnemite in new mauville

thank you, wow! what a detailed explanation


yeah I wanted to get them all with regular poke balls but that’s hard to do with abra so I would recommend getting a zubat and leveling him up until he can get mean look and stop abra from teleporting away, I also wanted all the Pokémon to be female but my grovyle was given to me as a male and I don’t want to breed it with a ditto because I’ve put so much love into my grovyle and I wouldn’t want to start over, so I’m not sure what I’m gonna do what do you think?


I think it's just OK to pretend your grovyle is whatever you want it to be! Games like Pokemon are best used as a tool to fuel your imagination, not as a cage to constrain it. Dream what you want to dream 🌈


who’s your favorite Pokémon? 


My favorite pokemon is Electabuzz!! It took tremendous self control not to insert it into the game. But I chose each Pokemon very carefully, and did not choose my favorites


huh, by what process did you choose which Pokémon went into the game? Also maybe you should treat yourself and do your favorites for a future game?


and what makes electabuzz your favorite?


I caught an electabuzz in my first Pokemon game (Red) and he was very strong! And I liked how his sprite looked, and Burger King came out with an Electabuzz toy which I put on my keychain. He went around with me everywhere I went! So I thought of him as sort of a friend 😀


the lore


you know, breloom would have been a cute choice


That's true, I'd love to play with a breloom in a game like this! I wonder what their personality would be like


that’s a good point, but I have to say I’m biased towards a more happy go lucky type like heracross buizel and lucario, they’re probably my favorites 


wait what about goodra?


Goodra is so huge!! They'd be like rhydon and i wonder if they'd also have a goo effect kind of like grimer?


I’d love that, I wouldn’t want to reuse characteristics but I could imagine rubbing the antennae of goodra in the same way as heracross where she gets confused


Ha ha that would be fun! It would make sense that Goodra's antennae would be very sensitive.

(1 edit) (+1)

in omega Ruby treecko can be a starter Pokémon which evolves into grovyle, grovyle is the first Pokémon you meet in this game, coincidence? Probably not


grovyle is the lynchpin of all the best pokemon games!!! it is no coincidence 😉


I played Pokémon omega Ruby recently and I think I’ve realized where a lot of the inspiration comes from, in the playnav you can play with your Pokémon and pet them, your cursor becomes a hand just like in this game and it even has the same number of fingers! When you pet your Pokémon it occasionally lets out pink hearts just like in monster mind, so I think it’s pretty cool to see where the inspiration must have come from, was I right?


I was inspired by the Pokemon Amie modes in Pokemon X and Y, and yeah! those were pulled into Pokemon Omega Ruby so you're right that they were a big inspiration for Monster Mind.

Good catch! 😀


Is the secret room/free play still a thing? If so how do you activate it again? 


Yes, it will activate when you find a bonus coin! But it will only stay activated until you quit the game, then you will need to find another coin.


I’ve been hearing talk about a phone and calling people, where do you get a phone and how can you call people?


If you buy all of the items in Heracross's shop (and do a certain extra thing involving a purple guest) then they will get desperate having nothing to sell -- and they will sell you some silly things! The phone is one of them.


man I feel like I’ve tried everything with grimer, do I need a special item or do I need to do a certain action? What’s the case?


Most pokemon have one or two sex toys they like playing with and Grimer is the same way! You should use your sex toys with them


thank you! I had used both, but grimer comes so infrequently I just didn’t know if anything had changed or not, so I’ve bought the happy meal toys and now I just need to find out how to get the cell phone and whatever else there might be in secret


Yay! Yeah I can't remember if the "grimer happy meal toys" arc needs to completely end for that other stuff to show up, but you should be on your way now.


I'm happy to see this game isn't stuck as a flash game fading into obscurity. This game was one of the best puzzle games I have played, and I'm glad that others will get to enjoy it their own way. The story and the sex scenes are great as well, and I love that each character has different preferences, and personalities. This game is amazing, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Wow that's great! Yeah I felt guilty for awhile that the game was really difficult to play, now that flash was inaccessible. I wish it ran better in the browser, but I'm happy with the Windows version!

I'm glad you enjoyed your time with the game :D I will make more games! But I don't know if I'll ever make something as nice as Monster Mind, this was really one of a kind wasn't it?


I think it really was but I’m confident you can hopefully make something just as good


this is good, yeah it is, make more like this


aww thank you! I'd love to make another game like this some day~


I looked up bighorn69 and it turns out heracross has an account on furaffinity


Yes he had to delete his gallery because of their rules -- but he has an account there!!


yoooo I did it I made smeargle cum!


Wow that's amazing, it's so rare!!! Congratulations 😀


Wow! I did not think that this game continues to live, wonderful news! I passed it twice 100% for 2 endings. There is a question to the author. I opened countless boxes and in one I got a new shocker. But I still didn't understand if there are secret scenes with him, except for dialogues, I would like a hint)


Wow, the shocker is VERY rare and i'm still working on getting that item myself, congratulations!

When you say "secret scenes with him" i think you mean Heracross? But no, I'm pretty sure if you've gotten the shocker you've probably seen all the scenes in the game... well, there are a few funny conversations if you pick funny dialog paths, or call certain pokemon on the phone, take pokemon into the back room.

It's no fun, but you might try taking Sandslash into Heracross's back room and just playing games with him and never having sex. Or calling Heracross on his own phone while he's in the shop! Little things like that ha ha. But no there are no big "Mew Under The Truck" types of secrets like a secret 12th pokemon or anything like that.

you can call heracross?? Where do you get a phone?


Thanks for your answer, I'll definitely try it. Does it make sense to open these boxes further?

If you found the little shocker, you have found everything there is to find!

Secretly, if you open about five more boxes after finding that shocker -- lucario will enjoy the large dildo a little bit more, and can even cum from it. ...But it is just a little extra, and it is so much work!!


Ha ha! It's really a lot of work, but I like to visit my friends. In fact, if you play 7 peg puzzles, you can earn a lot of money in a short time, especially since Abra is just crazy about them;)

Wow 7 pegs! That's nuts!! Yeah the reward is very high and you're right, they're incredible for earning money if you're fast at them. Congratulations!!

what’s a shocker? What box, like the ones you get when you beat a stage of a puzzle? Please give details


Actually I never could get to 100 percent so I just assume it stops at 97.1

If you are stopped at 97.1% -- there is something special you probably need to do with Grimer! There is a special item which shows up in the store but it only shows up when you need it, after you do something you probably didn't want to do 😛

thank you 🙏🙏🙏


I made an account just to say that this game hit hard. You somehow managed to make the characters human and relatable, so once they start talking about how you’re never gonna pick up the game again and forget about them, it actually hurts. I just had to say that this surprisingly meant more to me than what I assume everyone anticipated, looking forward to more so the game doesn’t have to end on such a bittersweet note. (I loved it enough to get a hundred percent and both endings.) Great job man keep doing what you’re doing

Thank you thank you! Personally I still pick up the game every few months to say hi to my friends again, they won't forget you. It is OK. Make sure to write down your password somewhere so you don't lose it! 😀

I am working on a few new games right now so maybe I will have something to share in a year or two!

I’ve written down several passwords from different sections actually on a page in the notes app, cause why not. I look forward to the new games and I hope they come out just as polished as this game and just as relatable characters, although I’d like to ask if the games are gonna be the same sorta puzzle format, and maybe what universe the game may be set in, is it gonna have original characters or no? Just curious since this one was so good enjoy your day or night depending on when you read this

(1 edit) (+1)

more pls more


😘😘 thank you hehe~


Great game! Do you plan on adding more pokemons in the future?


the game is complete! but i'd like to make another game like it some day~


Can't belive magnezone and grimer turned me on


Yes... they are secretly the best ones!!! Give grimer some extra love (make sure to wear protective gloves to avoid the smell!)


when downloading the game it doesn't seem to show any sweat or orgasm fluids from any of the characters. Is this an option or a bug?

A few people have reported problems with the jizz and fluids being black, but you're the first I've heard of them being invisible. I'm guessing it's a problem with specific video cards which makes it difficult, because it works fine on most PCs and until unless I can come over to your house I don't really know how to fix it 😅


I think I remember them being black at some point before disappearing. I don't know if this helps

I see, thank you! Do you know if you have a radeon graphics card?


Will you/ Is there a zip version of the Christmas version from a while ago?

it would be fun! maybe i'll do it some day. i've opened an issue for it


Sweet! I'll keep an eye out for it then


for some reason on my version the cum texture is broken and looks blackish, how do i fix it?

Hmmm, someone else said that happened on Linux specifically! I'm not really sure what would cause that... I'm guessing this is on Windows?

I've opened an issue, let me know (or leave a comment there) if you have any additional information such as the platform, graphics card, or anything else that might help me reproduce or investigate the problem.


Are you thinking of adding a mobile version?

(2 edits) (+1)

try this, it's probably an older version of the game tho. If it doesn't work: In the Discord server, go to  #mm-help-n-spoilers and in the saved pins scroll down till you see Monster Mind Androild .apk with a link

Thanks let me see if it works 

The screen stays black and if I left it for a while and nothing loads 


Sadly this was an unofficial version of MonsterMind, so idk how to help you, the discord server might give you some insight, talk over there. 

Ok thanks I'll see if I join

I tried porting it a few weeks ago -- but HaxeFlixel's Android support is pretty tough to work with, I couldn't figure it out! The game is open source so theoretically anybody can port it if they want to. I'm not actively working on the project right now except for minor bugfixes, but it's something I might revisit some day.


Ok I hope you manage to port the game to mobile

I've added an android version this morning. I'd love if you tried it out, let me know!


Have you thought about adding a patch for the Spanish language?

The game has around 3,000 pages of dialog! It is about as much work as translating all seven Harry Potter books. One person translated about 1-2% of the game into Chinese (about 50 pages worth) which took them several months.

If you want to try translating the game yourself, it is open-source! Most of the text is in places like this "AbraDialog" class. Good luck!!


If in case I translated everything and I told you to send it to you, would you accept the translation for the game?


(2 edits)

That sounds cool! If you want to change the files yourself go for it! If you or a friend are computer savvy, you can also fork the project to make your own Spanish version. You can also download the .zip file with all the source code and try building it yourself to make changes. There are instructions for running the project at the main gitgud page.

Here is the file with all of Buizel's dialog! So you might change "#buiz04#Oh yeah, I'm not sure your answer fits with that <first clue>..."

to something like

"#buiz04#Oh sí, no estoy seguro de que tu respuesta se ajuste a ese <first clue>..."

or whatever. Be forewarned it will take a very, very long time. Even if you are a professional translator doing this as a full-time commitment, I would expect to spend several years on it!


uhh could you give us a kind of checklist for us to know what is missing to get the 100%?

I think I saw somewhere you need to beat the 4-peg puzzles around five times, and the 5-peg puzzle once, other than that, try buying everything in the shop

There is a FAQ posted here which describes the different things people sometimes miss in order to get 100%! For the most part, you should just get there if you play a lot. But if you're not progressing, it's possible you're ignoring a certain pokemon or not doing a certain thing.


thks man the last time i relembrar playing  this game on flash years ago i got i think 79% of the game

Awesome, yeah! You probably just need to play a little more. Or maybe do some puzzles with Abra!

(1 edit) (+2)

are there any notable differences in the new version if I've got the flash downloaded a few years back?


No, it is the same! If you are happy the Flash version you should keep using it.

There IS a new Flash version, but it just includes a few very, very trivial dialog changes and things like that.


It seems like the current version of the flash file doesn't set the viewport dimensions correctly. The standalone flashplayer wants to squish it down, with a lot of blank, empty, black space at the bottom of the screen.. Unless I make the window taller. It seems to want a viewport of 768×563 to avoid scaling everything with ugly nearest neighbor scaling.

Hmm I'm not sure! I run it with the standalone flash player and it seems like it scales it fine. I can make the window tall or wide, and the game grows and shrinks staying centered maintaining the appropriate aspect ratio. Comparing it to Monster Mind Xmas v0.92, it scales exactly the same.

Do you think this is something that's changed, or something that always behaved the way you don't want it to?

If you want to play around with the scaling options, the game is open source! The "Project.xml" file specifies things like the window size, and the "source/Main.hx" file sets things like the zoom ratio or whatever. You can tinker with them and see if you can fix whatever problem you're perceiving! I'll be curious what you come up with, but I really can't perceive any kind of problem or any difference with the old flash version. It's possible you're more sensitive than I am or that your flash player is doing something crazy!


After some more testing, it seems likely to be a bug in the Linux version of the standalone flash player. What happens is that if I launch the swf from a file browser, it loads the flash player at some default resolution, reads the height of the viewport and sets it as what 100% should be, loads the flash file, changes the resolution so the viewport matches the flash file's specs, and then reads the width of the viewport and sets it to what 100% should be.

The result is that the flash player's default window height determines what Flash thinks the height of the viewport should be, but it correctly reads the width of the viewport from the flash file.

If I load the flash file, and then click in the little 'URL bar' and hit 'Enter' to re-load the flash file (with the viewport already resized correctly), it works fine.

Wow thanks so much for the info! I'll keep that in mind if it happens to anyone else. I'm glad you found a workaround!

Someone was able to build the game for Linux -- they had some graphical problems, but I'm actually not 100% sure if it's a linux thing or a Radeon graphics card thing. A few other windows users have reported the same bug. It would be cool to have a native linux version of the game!


Will there be a Android version


I tried porting it a few weeks ago -- but HaxeFlixel's Android support is pretty tough to work with, I couldn't figure it out! The game is open source so theoretically anybody can port it if they want to. I'm not actively working on the project right now except for minor bugfixes, but it's something I might revisit some day.

(1 edit)

Already mentioned this so I'ma copy paste it:

try this, it's probably an older version of the game tho. If it doesn't work: In the Discord server, go to  #mm-help-n-spoilers and in the saved pins scroll down till you see Monster Mind Androild .apk with a link

I've added an android version this morning. I'd love if you tried it out, let me know!


Will there be a MacBook version


I don't have a MacBook personally so I can't build it, and iOS devices security restrictions in place which prevent indie games from being installed without security issues!

The game is open-source however, so if you or any other iOS developers want to build the game and purchase the appropriate license keys/obtain the necessary accreditation or whatever, an iOS release is totally possible! I just can't do it myself.


This Game is great

Thank You❤️


Awesome, thanks so much!!! 😀 glad you're having fun with it


After so long I have finally beaten the game. I beat the game right before my game had crashed and lost my saved data, which honestly I don't really mind since I already saw the ending. One hundred percent one of the most difficult games I have ever beaten.
It's difficult in a way that isn't something like Enter the Gungeon, but more like I'm playing chess against a 1500 elo. A pain in the ass but in a good way. Good game!


wowwwww great job! yeah -- those puzzles at the end really don't fuck around, you have to be great at the game to make it across the finish. amazing accomplishment, great work! and thanks so much!!


do you have plans  to get more pokemons in the game? braixen fennekin meowscarada are really popular not to mention gardevoir loppunny blaziken and nidoqueen


No, I do not plan to add any more Pokemon to the game.

The game is open source, so theoretically anyone can mod anything into the game, sadly many people quit before finishing, there was someone who modded an espeon to a playable state, idk if there is a download link, you'll need to snoop in the Discord Server.


Is there any way to get Kecleon involved, IIRC there was dialog about possibly bringing them into the fun with Smeargle? Or was that just flavor text?

Either way I love the game all the same.


Nah, I don't think you can, in game he keep dodging player's flirting, even in game files he's still dodging by using ASCII Art, he's too pure only for Smeargle.

But I still love him so much.


Ha ha you found that little easter egg!! That was so hidden, I didn't think anyone would see it


After I play the game through ending, I was curious about how the game buildup and check if I miss anything, I was really excited seeing this file, like "Damn, I know there must be a way to fool around with Kecleon."

But sadge, nice easter egg, I guess Kecleon only for Smeargle.

Thumb up for detailed guide of SexyState, I don't know there are so many details about them, would be nice if there are some dialogue hint about how they like to be treated in what way, I like the part of pet Rhydon's head the most, this cute big softie can't get enough of love.


There are dialog hints for most of the Pokemon's preferences -- during the next session, they'll say something like please don't squeeze my tube or jerk me off when i spread my legs like this. doesn't happen every time! but it happens a lot if you overlook something or do something they hate

and yes rhydon is the best~ 🦏


does the windows version feature the mystery boxes or 7 peg puzzles?


Yes, the Windows version has everything!


I can't wait for the Android version. I have played this game years ago when Flash was still around, and to experience the puzzles and the hot scenes again with my favorite pokemons on mobile will be amazing ♥️♥️♥️


I agree, it would be so cool!!!


Do you have an estimated time when the game would be ported to Android ?


I tried porting it a few weeks ago -- but HaxeFlixel's Android support is pretty tough to work with, I couldn't figure it out! The game is open source so theoretically anybody can port it if they want to. I'm not actively working on the project right now except for minor bugfixes, but it's something I might revisit some day.


Copy pasted text:

try this, it's probably an older version of the game tho. If it doesn't work:
In the Discord server, go to  #mm-help-n-spoilers and in the saved pins scroll down till you see Monster Mind Androild .apk with a link

I've added an android version this morning. I'd love if you tried it out, let me know!

(1 edit) (+1)

AAAAAAA It finally happened !!! An Android port !

OMG I've been playing for a day and a half, and the version is so smooth and bug-free. Hats off ❤️❤️

Btw, would it be possible to implement a way to have cheats on the mobile version ? I hate to admit that I really suck at the 5-bug puzzles but I still want to raise my rank. Also money lol

One of the developers of the Android port was trying to think of a way to have cheats! It doesn't have a keyboard, so he temporarily implemented cheats with four or five big "Cheat" button on the main screen which would do something specific, like give you $10,000 or skip to a sex scene or something.

I don't really know how cheats would work, input is so limited on a touch device!


How many anal beads should I even put in? I've spend 30 seconds putting it in, and I haven't even reached the end yet. Even the Pokémon seem confused on what the hell I'm doing. Is this a bug?

Deleted post

More anal beads! MORE!!!

Back in the days of Flash,  I was able to get about 131 in Abra. It took a long time but each time you use the black beads you can get more in. It especially helps if the "horny" meter is full.


can you tell, will in this game some new characthers

No, there are no plans for more characters


Does the Magnezone scene have an electronic orgasm or something?

I can only play with his buttons and antenna


yes but you have to be wearing a shock proof glove from the shop 


Yes they can have an electronic orgasm if you treat them the right way! They are probably one of the most difficult characters to make orgasm since it's not really clear what you're supposed to do or which activities they like.


how about making some type of gallery and also some explanation on what the hearts mean and how to make each girl climax on the maximum level
example i once make the sandslash cum thrice in less than a minute but i only didi it once
could you add those that shoundt be THAT HARD 


The game did said what the hearts mean tho if you mean the puzzle part


i meant the hearts  that.apear When you get to the cuminng part of the game they man and some hearts  apear               and a how to Lake them clímax on the passing out from pleasure type get it


There is a sex guide in the Monster Mind discord!

It is about 12 pages but I can pastebin it if you like

I don't think most people would have a use for it, a big part of the fun of the game is playing the game your own way and figuring things out!


is better if you could pastebin for me i dont have acess to the discord link 

it shows that there is nothing there


i tried to go with the link you gave it got me nowhere


Funny how it works on mobile down side its slow but that it


It should be possible to make an Android APK from the source code! It is just fiddly and slow working with HaxeFlixel on Android, so I have not done it

Copy pasted text:

try this, it's probably an older version of the game tho. If it doesn't work: In the Discord server, go to  #mm-help-n-spoilers and in the saved pins scroll down till you see Monster Mind Androild .apk with a link

I've added an android version this morning. I'd love if you tried it out, let me know!


it works very nice haven't found any bugs yet 

Wow awesome, that's amazing!


is there a chance that new mons will be added?


Many people have tried adding new Pokemon but it is a lot of work! I include instructions for it on the site which hosts the source code. It is about 50 steps and includes a lot of drawing, animation, writing, and programming.

ONE person on the discord has added their own Pokemon to the game, I think it was an Espeon! They uploaded an SWF with the new Pokemon in it. It's not 100% finished but apparently it has nice art and dialog!


Do you think that there's any chance you'll give the same treatment to your brick break game(s)? Monster Mind is great, but the gameplay of your brick break games was perfect too


Monster Mind was written in HaxeFlixel which is cross-platform, so while it was still a lot of work to port it -- I did not really have to rewrite the game from scratch

Brick Break was unfortunately written in ActionScript which only compiles to Flash, so I will have to rewrite the game.

It IS still possible -- Brick Break was a much smaller game, so it only took me about four weeks to make. Even if I rewrote it from scratch, I should be able to make it in less than four weeks! I don't have to draw or code anything. Maybe some day!

If anybody is interested in picking up the reins or learning Unity or Godot or whatever, and wants a personal project -- I can give them the source code and assets for Brick Break and they can take a crack at converting it themselves 😀

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