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So I'm an impatient prick who doesn't wanna grind for gems to get mystery boxes, how might I enable debug mode in order to bypass said grinding?

Fantastic game btw, you don't see this type of logic puzzle very often.


There's nothing like that built into the game, but the game is open source if you'd like to tinker around with it!

Alternatively, Dew on the Monster Mind Discord also made a Password Generator (there is an .exe on the releases page you can download) where you can enter your name and it will spit out an 18-character password for any number of mystery boxes you want. Here's a password I just generated with it with 30 mystery boxes:



I recently found this game searching on FA and when I saw that it was yours, Agronvile, I decided to play it. It was great. I love logic games and it caught me a lot. I reached a ranking of 30 but I dropped at the end of the game XD.

I really like what you do as an artist and in this game I thought it was great how you put the personalities of your characters as they normally are, thank you for your great work :3

Hhey that's great! I think this is a challenging and unique logic game and even if you're very familiar with Master Mind -- trying to solve puzzles with a limited set of clues you didn't come up with is a very fresh challenge. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Congratulations, 30 is a very high rank and I think it's higher than almost all the characters in the game (except maybe Abra!)


i have a bad case of brain dumb i can barly do the 5 peg i gusse i dont understand complty even with the tutorial any way i can get better or am i just too dumb lol

honestly just stick to the 4-peg puzzles, the 5-pegs aren't needed for game completion and they're extremely difficult

if the 4-peg puzzles are too easy or you want an extra challenge, the 5-peg puzzles can give you tons of gems if you are good at them! but it's not really worth it if you're just staring at them for 20 minutes like i do sometimes 😭


The 4-peg puzzles are hard already I think I need to take an IQ test or something

abra will be happy to examine you <3 just hold still... yess, yessss


hey it's 4:30 am and abra just asked to swap brains with me and i would love to know if that's an intended feature or not because holy fuck your game might be gaining sentience


ha ha ha! maybe you should get some rest, it sounds like you've been playing too long...


How make smeargle cum?


There is a sex guide and puzzle guide here, but here's a summary of what it says about Smeargle specifically:

  • Rub seven of Smeargle’s sensitive spots (arms, chest, belly, neck, head, ears, hat, calves, thighs, feet)
  • Monitor his arms to know which areas are okay to rub
  • Rub one of Smeargle’s sensitive spots for about 5 seconds continuously
  • If his horniness meter is in the green, rapidly rub his hat
  • If his horniness meter is in the yellow or red, rub his cock



Also, I just remembered to ask now, to see the horniness meter is it an item or something that is already in the game? I'm mobile and I kept thinking until now that it was his tail, because I don't see any on-screen horniness meter

It's the meter on the main menu when you're choosing a pokemon! it can be green yellow or red;




Hi! I I downloaded this game some time ago. I like reviewing various indie games, I also sometimes play adult games, but I avoid works that feature non-human characters. Regardless, I was interested in the game's concept. I really like puzzle games and I decided that I would try to play it. I played both the sfw and nsfw version and I would like to write my personal review about it. The game mechanics are great, I also like the variety in difficulty levels. Depending on how much time I have to play, I can choose a more difficult or easier difficulty level. The little monsters that act as objects that we have to match are very funny, I appreciate that they have different animations and different color variants.I often skipped character conversations because I wanted to solve the puzzle haha. Regardless, I thought a lot of the lines were really funny or interesting.Another concept that diversifies the gameplay is mini games. What I liked most was the weighing, which helps to practice quick thinking and counting. I liked the dice-rolling abroad the least because it seemed a bit difficult and random. I'm glad that the characters talk in an adult way, they are not turned into children, as is unfortunately the case in some nsfw games. Once again, I must praise the number of animations and various random events, which makes the game simply not boring. The rich and changing assortment in the store makes the game more and more varied, so everyone can find items for themselves. The method of obtaining money is sufficient, mini games, chests and video recording are enough to buy the desired item.As an asexual person, I don't fully understand the theme of Pokemon and various activities with them in a nsfw game, but I must admit that they are really nicely drawn. I would like to start creating games myself and what digital graphic designer wants to pursue this direction, but I guess it's just a dream for now haha. I'm sorry if something is not legible, English is not my first language and I used a translator to make my work easier.I hope there will be more puzzle games! I just wanted to ask about the Chameleon Pokemon. Are there any activities with him too? I have almost 100% of the game, the entire store and I have no idea what I'm missing to 100% Oh, I forgot to add, the game can freeze or Pokemon can disappear and reappear. I play it on my phone and I don't know if that's why. 

Tthanks for the thoughtful review! Unfortunately you can't do activities with the chameleon, although sometime he fills in for the other pokemon and you can talk to him, he has some funny conversations. But, no sexual activities with him.

I'm sorry to hear about the technical difficulties! The game is most stable in Windows, and I've seen it sometimes have problems on other platforms.


Thank you very much for your answer, I'm waiting for the next games :D 


I hope that I will finally complete 100% of the game 😩

It sounds like you're really close!


question if you miss the first encounter with grimer and you meet lucario is it still possible to get grimers encounter?


yeah, you can always meet everyone! grimer will come back


So, I've had just a thought. More like a shower thought, but still. 

After downloading the files, I thought to myself, "is there a way that we can put custom pokemon into the game?". So, me being the nosey person that I am, immediately tried doing so, only to realize, I have idea of which program I would most likely need, and if it would be best to use a copy of an existing character to make the edits to. 

So, any advice or thoughts on this?

 (PS, the two pokemon I kinda want to create are a lugia character, and a milotic character. Just for reference. Although, if anyone can assist in helping make the characters, that would be great too.)


There is actually a detailed guide at! Under Section 4 "Adding your own Pokemon" it describes all of the steps necessary to add your pokemon. But really, step 1 is getting to where you can build the game, so start with the "Workstation Setup" page in the Wiki to install all of the HaxeFlixel libraries, VSCode, and about 50-100 other little things ha ha.

It will be an adventure! But I wish you the best of luck, it would be very cool to see more Pokemon.

(2 edits) (+2)

This game is fantastic and I really was hoping to find a game exactly like this one and I just wanna say one more thing.... This game is PERFECT down to the smallest details!

wow that's amazing to hear, thank you so much 🥰 say hi to abra for me~


out of curiosity, is there a way to use the big dildo on buizel or does he just not like it?

it is too big! but you can use it on sandslash~


I have a BIG question is a new game coming???

I'm not currently working on a new Monster Mind game, but i have some ideas saved up for if I ever decide to! I'm currently working on a bunch of other games first.


i mean i like it but some of the puzzles i really don't get pulse one very important question will there be legendries in the future that feature a new type of puzzle called Boss puzzles? and when you solve all there puzzles they reward you with a special item but if you fail they get to do what ever they want just a suggestion you don't actually have to do it if you don't want to

Those are some really cool ideas, thank you!


im glad you like the idea :

(1 edit) (+1)


So I was able to get to the brain sync with Abra. Passed the first two puzzles on time, but I took too long with the 3rd one, Abra passed out, and the whole game froze. Was that intentional or just perfect comedic timing?

EDIT: It was on my end, I ran out of memory ;_;


out of memory? noooo

the Windows version should be a little more stable if it's an option!


Is it possible to play with cacleon???

(2 edits)

kecleon has their reasons for staying out of the sexual parts of the game! if you talk to them and smeargle enough, they talk about it eventually.


Is the game complete or is there still an update missing?

the game is finished, although i have a few android-specific bugs which still have to get merged and released!


This game is great! The puzzles are challenging (for someone who doesn't play puzzle games like me) and the dialogue is surprisingly well written. The one gripe I have is that it's hard to see what's happening in the sex scenes on mobile. Maybe a way to lock on to a specific part so that pressing anywhere counts as pressing it could be implemented? Of course it's okay if you don't!

someone suggested maybe making having a virtual cursor which you move around by swiping? so you could move a virtual cursor, and then tap anywhere to click. that idea makes sense to me, maybe as a toggle in the options or something!


I have a question can i become a beta tester for the game

the game is finished, there is nothing new to test!


4AX7W8 43MH07 A4UWAC


This was an absolute pleasure to play through.

I enjoyed all the various dialogues a bunch. The characters were funny and uniquely enjoyable.

Thank you for this and all the lovely messages within. I'll take the sentiment to heart.

I wish I didn't need to start anew to try more 7-pegs. The puzzles stumped me so good. Fun stuff!


Oh wow that's great to hear, thank you! The 7 peg puzzles are very difficult. You can play them whenever you like -- click Abra's head on the main menu after completing the 5-peg tutorial! Some people on the discord enjoy them but they are too hard for me...

I'm glad you enjoyed the messages in the game! The pokemon are very special to me and I think they all have something special to say~

I wish I could ask them to teliport me to them and give them a hug- and probable do some other things~

abra is cute but they are to smart for me I need to practiss more

I....can't earn money? My only way to earn money is the peg bug chests

The shop says that my cut is 0 and my save is stuck at 0.3%

Am i doing something wrong?


I hate beying human


I hope this switch thing is posible

Me too


they know stuff that the public should not know


this is not bs is it 


if this is trew then they can fined me by my phone number which is 661-603-2013 and if adra can see this then I am eevee I hope this is not B.S.

What the fuck is wrong with you?? Don't give your telephone number out like this.. 


is this right a can switch my cochesnes with abra

No, first off it's a game. Secondly there is no way to switch consciousness with someone else in real life. That's just fantasy.. make believe.. fiction. 

(2 edits) (-3)

for more detail on eevee  call me at 661-603-2013

I'm going to give your number to a bunch of spam callers. 


the game got very pixly after I used the anal beeds on grimer


add them tomoeow please

...seriously.. saying the game is an 8/10 because it doesn't have what you like is one thing. That's your opinion, you're welcome to feel that way. 

Fucking DEMANDING a developer adds all Eeveelutions TOMORROW is absolutely insane. That's 9 additional characters, and you expect that to be made and added for you personally in ONE DAY?? Don't ever say something like that to a developer ever again... In fact delete your account and go to school.. you need education badly..


but rn is a 8-10


that will make this game a 10-10


add eevee and all the eeveelushons

...learn to code and add them yourself...


the password thing doesn't work


Do you intend to add more mons, and if so when and who would you add?


sorry the game is complete! adding new pokemon is a lot of work, and it would be very complicated and difficult to add new pokemon without breaking the password system


Thanks for letting me know!


i love this game


I wish after the game that Pokemon visit ther frends in the game like nidoking just moch moor Pokemon please its a 10 . 10 game for me

Yeah, I wish Nidoking came to visit sometimes! But I can't imagine having him and Rhydon in the same house... I'd need to program bigger text boxes just for all the shouting!


Yeah but it will be funny


hey i love the game i have nearly 8 hours at ~40% completion rate.

just a few questions i had;

how long till you get the red dildo in shop? it seems pretty rare lol 

also what is the tablet/pad in the top right (i saw screenshots of it in the sex help guide). i dont have that icon on my game so i was just wondering



also another question; lucario ran out of the room crying about an odor? is that the libido incense?  can i not have it on max all the time?

Some of the characters are more sensitive than others about Grimer's smell! Some if them will not play with you at all, or some of them will just need a short break.

There are certain gloves you can buy that prevent the smell, if you use them with Grimer! They are the gloves with the lightning bolt. (Or you can just not play with grimer, I GUESS)


ah i see thanks for the help

really love this game btw .. i originally didnt care for the puzzles but now arguably play this game more so for the sake of cracking them rather than the sex LOL


last reply i swearr;

 just completed the game w/end credits lol i didnt realize i was bottlenecking the shop by not purchasing items.

was fun! 11hours at 97~%

congratulations on finishing the game!! 🎉 i'm glad you thought it was fun~

There is no trick to getting the red dildo, you just have to wait for Heracross to put it in stock! It will show up faster if you buy more of the other items. (But make sure you can afford it when it shows up! It is expensive and rare.)

The tablet/pad is another item you can buy! It is also quite expensive and rare.


Hey! I'm back! I'm really enjoying the mobile version thus far! It runs like a charm, and is still just as fun as before! Keep up the great work, I wish you luck in any future projects.

Thank you, I'm so glad to hear that!

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